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Category: Monetary policy
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Kudos to central banks
Danish economy, Exchange rates, Monetary policy
Do monetary policy regimes matter? Evidence from the Nordics
Central banks, Inflation, Interest rates, Monetary policy
Monetary policy in the 1970s and today
Central banks, Inflation, Inflation expectations, Monetary policy
The disappearance of inflation: were rate hikes necessary?
Central banks, Inflation, Monetary policy, Recessions, Stock markets
Five lessons from 2023
Corona crisis, Interest rates, Monetary policy, Recessions
Why no recession (yet)?
US core inflation: 2 percent or 5 percent?
Central banks, Eurozone, Interesting papers, Monetary policy
ECB earned exactly zero (0) euros in 2022. A surprising coincidence or a sign that central bank losses matter?
Central banks, Interest rates, Monetary policy